
Why we use what we use

The fashion industry produces 92 million tons of textile waste a year. As a brand it is our mission not to add to that number.

Part of the problem is pre-consumer waste which occurs before the garments are even made. During the manufacturing process, problems can naturally occur which can lead to fabric being wasted. Fabric can be overproduced or even rejected by brands due to small faults of small inaccuracies. Orders can also be cancelled by brands if they change their mind or if their sales plans change.

This fabric can go to waste, be burned, sent to landfill or sold to local markets for little profit resulting in terrible implications for the planet and the industry - thats where we come in

Vintage and reworked


At No Land we love to use anything that already exists and might otherwise go to waste. We are always trying to creatively think of different ways we can turn anything pre-existing into something special and completely unique. We re-work and customise in 3 different ways:

1. Vintage pieces are customised by hand, using print strike offs, fabric off cuts and branded trims.

2. Development samples that would otherwise be disposed of are re-worked to create unique 1 of 1 pieces.

3. Fabric scraps that would otherwise go to waste are utilsed to make beautiful crochet bags.

Shop the Vintage & Rework Collection Here


The jean shank campaign

Introducing the NO LAND re-usable jean shank!

At No Land we see value in anything that can be re-used, re-purposed or recycled.

That’s why all No Land jean shanks are removable making it easier to recycle the garment at the end of it’s life.

We think they also make great necklace charms, croc charms and shoe studs. 

We are giving away 20 of our iconic jean shank necklaces to our first 20 customers.

We would love to see how you wear yours? Tag us on your socials.

Shop Now



Our No Land mailer bags are made from strong, natural kraft paper which is environmentally friendly, renewable and can be recycled several times.
With a double adhesive seal and tear-open strip for you to easily open and reseal to return if necessary.

No Land garments are packed by our factories in glassine bags which are made from 100% paper.
As a result of the manufacturing process, glassine is pH neutral and acid free. And it’s resistant to moisture, air, and grease. Because it is made from wood pulp, glassine is fully recyclable and biodegradable.